Someone get your zigger ass in here
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New User

United Canterian Republic

Killed by Massive Uprising
2,146,528,951 Bits
State Controlled


Vehicle Parts55267
Machinery Parts52449
Precision Parts2005
DNA - Central Burrozil2544


Basic Factory20
Basic Apple Orchard245
Oil Combustion Facility36
Mechanized Apple Farm161
Cider Production Facility82
Coffee Farm145
Coffee Shop25
Gasoline Refinery187
Gasoline Combustion Facility114
Advanced Factory1
Plastics Factory40
Sun Worship Center5
Drug Farm1
Solar Environmental Facility5
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Toy Factory160
Toy and Candy Shop20
DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil6


Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,301,896 bits.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 129 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 11 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 5 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 16 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 46 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
You don't have enough Gems to run your 80 Mall! (-80 sat)
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -3994
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 20:00:03
Your satisfaction is below the minimum - your ponies are revolting! (You gain 381 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)2023-05-13 18:00:07
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,308,797 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 125 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 11 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 5 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 15 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 45 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
You don't have enough Gems to run your 80 Mall! (-80 sat)
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -4024
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 18:00:03
Your deal with The Kirin Oasis was accepted.
You received 10,000 Oil as part of your deal.
You dealt away 5,000 Apples.
2023-05-13 16:27:24
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,173,253 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 123 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 12 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 6 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 15 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 44 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 16:00:03
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,037,438 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 121 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 13 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 6 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 14 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 44 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 14:00:04
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,901,351 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 118 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 14 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 6 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 14 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 44 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 12:00:03
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,764,991 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 116 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 14 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 7 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 13 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 44 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 10:00:04
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,628,358 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 114 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 15 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 7 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 13 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 44 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 08:00:03
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,491,450 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 16 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 112 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 16 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 7 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 12 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 43 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 06:00:04
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,354,269 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 16 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 109 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 17 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 8 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 12 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 43 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 04:00:04
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,216,813 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 16 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 107 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Vehicle Parts, 18 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 8 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 12 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 43 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 02:00:03
You accepted a deal with Crystal Mareapolis.
You received 4,848 Vehicle Parts.
You received 1,920 Machinery Parts.
2023-05-13 01:04:12
You accepted a deal with United Pony Emirates.
You received 6,000 Oil.
You dealt away 150,000,000 bits.
2023-05-13 01:04:10
You accepted a deal with Crystal Mareapolis.
You received 4,848 Vehicle Parts.
You received 1,920 Machinery Parts.
2023-05-13 01:04:08
Your deal with Chevre Corp was accepted.
You received 20,000 Oil as part of your deal.
2023-05-13 01:03:36
Your deal with Amareica was accepted.
You received 10,000 Oil as part of your deal.
You dealt away 5,000 Apples.
2023-05-13 01:03:36
You accepted a deal with Robertian.
You dealt away 4,500 Apples.
You dealt away 500 Coffee.
You received 5,000 Copper.
You received 1,000 Gems.
You received 1,000 Tungsten.
2023-05-13 01:02:11
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,391,706 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 6 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 134 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 1 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 12 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 43 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-13 00:00:03
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 2,254,325 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-2)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 6 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Apples, 131 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Basic Apple Orchard cause environmental damage! (-5523 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 245 Basic Apple Orchard. (-490)
You gained 1225 Apples from your 245 Basic Apple Orchard.
As you have more than 50,000 Machinery Parts, 1 was siphoned off.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-193 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 36 Oil Combustion Facility. (-72)
You gained 432 Energy from your 36 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 36 Oil Combustion Facility used up 288 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 169 Bakery. (169)
You gained 507 Pies from your 169 Bakery.
Your 169 Bakery used up 338 Apples.
Your 169 Bakery used up 169 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Apple Farm cause environmental damage! (-3977 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm. (-161)
You gained 1288 Apples from your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm.
Your 161 Mechanized Apple Farm used up 161 Energy.
You gained 410 Cider from your 82 Cider Production Facility.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 410 Apples.
Your 82 Cider Production Facility used up 82 Energy.
Too many Coffee Farm cause environmental damage! (-1690 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 145 Coffee Farm. (-145)
You gained 725 Coffee from your 145 Coffee Farm.
Your 145 Coffee Farm used up 145 Energy.
As you have more than 50,000 Coffee, 12 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 25 Coffee Shop. (250)
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 75 Coffee.
Your 25 Coffee Shop used up 25 Pies.
You gained 1496 Gasoline from your 187 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 187 Gasoline Refinery used up 1870 Oil.
You gained 1368 Energy from your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 114 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 912 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 43 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 1 Advanced Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Advanced Factory used up 2 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-218 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 40 Plastics Factory. (-40)
You gained 160 Plastics from your 40 Plastics Factory.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 40 Energy.
Your 40 Plastics Factory used up 160 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 5 Sun Worship Center. (5)
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 10 Coffee.
Your 5 Sun Worship Center used up 30 Energy.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your 1 Drug Farm. (-1)
You gained 10 Drugs from your 1 Drug Farm.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 480 Toys from your 160 Toy Factory.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Energy.
Your 160 Toy Factory used up 160 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 20 Toy and Candy Shop. (600)
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Apples.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Pies.
Your 20 Toy and Candy Shop used up 80 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 80 Mall. (4000)
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Vehicle Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Machinery Parts.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Toys.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Coffee.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Cider.
Your 80 Mall used up 160 Gems.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Apples.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Pies.
Your 80 Mall used up 400 Gasoline.
Your 80 Mall used up 800 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
You gained 6 DNA - Central Burrozil from your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil.
Your 6 DNA Extraction Facility - C. Burrozil used up 6 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (7572 sat)
Your Independence used 40 gasoline.
Your Independence used 4 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Independence. (50)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Independence. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Independence. (6)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Independence satisfaction cap of 2500. (-56)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-05-12 22:00:03