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New User

Chevre Corp

Killed by Massive Uprising
901,212,585 Bits
Lunar Client
State Controlled


Vehicle Parts2234
DNA - Central Saddle Arabia13985
DNA - South Saddle Arabia96
DNA - North Zebrica50
DNA - Central Zebrica4099
DNA - South Zebrica877
DNA - North Burrozil32
DNA - Central Burrozil119
DNA - South Burrozil44
DNA - North Przewalskia19
DNA - Central Przewalskia57
DNA - South Przewalskia4000


Basic Oil Well89
Oil Combustion Facility16
Mechanized Oil Well90
Cider Production Facility2
Coffee Shop50
Gasoline Refinery95
Gasoline Combustion Facility67
Plastics Factory46
Oil Fracker203
Sun Worship Center3
Moon Worship Center2
Solar Environmental Facility5
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Toy Factory183
Toy and Candy Shop137
DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA10


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Inflation has taken away 804,563 bits.
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 768 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 34 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 184 Bakery! (-184 sat)
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 122 Toy and Candy Shop! (-122 sat)
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: -4097
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 20:00:02
Your satisfaction is below the minimum - your ponies are revolting! (You gain 695 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)2023-11-10 18:00:03
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Inflation has taken away 806,363 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 762 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 184 Bakery! (-184 sat)
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 122 Toy and Candy Shop! (-122 sat)
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: -4127
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 18:00:01
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Inflation has taken away 807,754 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 755 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 16:00:02
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Inflation has taken away 809,147 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 749 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 14:00:02
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 810,543 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 742 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 12:00:01
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 811,942 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 736 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 10:00:02
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 813,344 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 729 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 08:00:01
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 814,748 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 723 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 06:00:01
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 816,155 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 716 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 04:00:02
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 817,566 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 710 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 02:00:03
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 818,978 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 703 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-10 00:00:02
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 820,394 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
An extremely good friend is hard to keep; you lose 31 relationship with the New Lunar Republic.
An extremely bad enemy forgets eventually; you gain 11 relationship with the Solar Empire.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-19)
You lose 38 satisfaction for having 38 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 697 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Energy, 33 was siphoned off.
Too many Basic Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-625 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 89 Basic Oil Well. (-178)
You gained 445 Oil from your 89 Basic Oil Well.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 184 Bakery. (184)
You gained 552 Pies from your 184 Bakery.
Your 184 Bakery used up 368 Apples.
Your 184 Bakery used up 184 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Oil Well cause environmental damage! (-980 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 90 Mechanized Oil Well. (-90)
You gained 720 Oil from your 90 Mechanized Oil Well.
Your 90 Mechanized Oil Well used up 90 Energy.
You gained 10 Cider from your 2 Cider Production Facility.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 10 Apples.
Your 2 Cider Production Facility used up 2 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 50 Coffee Shop. (500)
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 150 Coffee.
Your 50 Coffee Shop used up 50 Pies.
You gained 760 Gasoline from your 95 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 95 Gasoline Refinery used up 950 Oil.
You gained 804 Energy from your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 67 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 536 Gasoline.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-305 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 46 Plastics Factory. (-46)
You gained 184 Plastics from your 46 Plastics Factory.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 46 Energy.
Your 46 Plastics Factory used up 184 Oil.
Too many Oil Fracker cause environmental damage! (-7841 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 203 Oil Fracker. (-406)
You gained 4060 Oil from your 203 Oil Fracker.
Your 203 Oil Fracker used up 406 Energy.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 1 Statue. (1)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your 3 Sun Worship Center. (3)
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 6 Coffee.
Your 3 Sun Worship Center used up 18 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 2 Moon Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 4 Cider.
Your 2 Moon Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 489 Toys from your 163 Toy Factory.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Energy.
Your 163 Toy Factory used up 163 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 122 Toy and Candy Shop. (3660)
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Apples.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Pies.
Your 122 Toy and Candy Shop used up 488 Toys.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA cause environmental damage! (-36 sat)
You gained 7 DNA - Central Saddle Arabia from your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA.
Your 7 DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA used up 7 Apples.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (6390 sat)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Lunar Client status. (60)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has recovered due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Lunar Client satisfaction cap of 1250. (-23)
You hit the New Lunar Republic relationship cap of 1000. (-28)
Even for the Solar Empire, there are limits to hate. (+4)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-11-09 22:00:02