i have no snowpity and i must scream
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New User


Killed by Rebels
2,388,978,241 Bits
State Controlled


Vehicle Parts39432
Machinery Parts42975
Precision Parts374
DNA - South Zebrica429


Basic Factory1
Basic Copper Mine100
Oil Combustion Facility71
Mechanized Copper Mine110
Cider Production Facility37
Gasoline Refinery30
Gasoline Combustion Facility5
Advanced Factory5
Gem Mine82
Tungsten Mine27
Plastics Factory25
Sun Worship Center12
Moon Worship Center2
Solar Environmental Facility5
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Toy Factory96
Toy and Candy Shop35


Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,785,509 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
You lose 60 satisfaction for having 60 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 41 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 1 Basic Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Basic Factory used up 1 Energy.
Too many Basic Copper Mine cause environmental damage! (-793 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 99 Basic Copper Mine. (-198)
You gained 495 Copper from your 99 Basic Copper Mine.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-720 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 65 Oil Combustion Facility. (-130)
You gained 780 Energy from your 65 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 65 Oil Combustion Facility used up 520 Oil.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 81 Bakery! (-81 sat)
Too many Mechanized Copper Mine cause environmental damage! (-1620 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine. (-110)
You gained 880 Copper from your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine.
Your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine used up 110 Energy.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 37 Cider Production Facility! (-37 sat)
You gained 240 Gasoline from your 30 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 30 Gasoline Refinery used up 300 Oil.
You gained 60 Energy from your 5 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 5 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 40 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Tungsten, 1 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Too many Gem Mine cause environmental damage! (-1125 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 82 Gem Mine. (-82)
You gained 246 Gems from your 82 Gem Mine.
Your 82 Gem Mine used up 82 Coffee.
Your 82 Gem Mine used up 82 Energy.
Too many Tungsten Mine cause environmental damage! (-80 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 27 Tungsten Mine. (-27)
You gained 108 Tungsten from your 27 Tungsten Mine.
Your 27 Tungsten Mine used up 27 Cider.
Your 27 Tungsten Mine used up 27 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-65 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 25 Plastics Factory. (-25)
You gained 100 Plastics from your 25 Plastics Factory.
Your 25 Plastics Factory used up 25 Energy.
Your 25 Plastics Factory used up 100 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 2 Sun Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Sun Worship Center used up 4 Coffee.
Your 2 Sun Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 1 Moon Worship Center. (1)
Your 1 Moon Worship Center used up 2 Cider.
Your 1 Moon Worship Center used up 6 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 243 Toys from your 81 Toy Factory.
Your 81 Toy Factory used up 81 Energy.
Your 81 Toy Factory used up 81 Plastics.
You don't have enough Apples to run your 23 Toy and Candy Shop! (-23 sat)
You don't have enough Apples to run your 30 Mall! (-30 sat)
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (2867 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -2440
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-12-30 12:00:01
Your satisfaction is below the minimum - your ponies are revolting! (You gain 235 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)2023-12-30 12:00:01
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,754,718 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
You lose 60 satisfaction for having 60 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 38 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 1 Basic Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Basic Factory used up 1 Energy.
Too many Basic Copper Mine cause environmental damage! (-793 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 99 Basic Copper Mine. (-198)
You gained 495 Copper from your 99 Basic Copper Mine.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-720 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 65 Oil Combustion Facility. (-130)
You gained 780 Energy from your 65 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 65 Oil Combustion Facility used up 520 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 81 Bakery. (81)
You gained 243 Pies from your 81 Bakery.
Your 81 Bakery used up 162 Apples.
Your 81 Bakery used up 81 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Copper Mine cause environmental damage! (-1620 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine. (-110)
You gained 880 Copper from your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine.
Your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine used up 110 Energy.
You gained 185 Cider from your 37 Cider Production Facility.
Your 37 Cider Production Facility used up 185 Apples.
Your 37 Cider Production Facility used up 37 Energy.
You gained 240 Gasoline from your 30 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 30 Gasoline Refinery used up 300 Oil.
You gained 60 Energy from your 5 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 5 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 40 Gasoline.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Too many Gem Mine cause environmental damage! (-1125 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 82 Gem Mine. (-82)
You gained 246 Gems from your 82 Gem Mine.
Your 82 Gem Mine used up 82 Coffee.
Your 82 Gem Mine used up 82 Energy.
Too many Tungsten Mine cause environmental damage! (-80 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 27 Tungsten Mine. (-27)
You gained 108 Tungsten from your 27 Tungsten Mine.
Your 27 Tungsten Mine used up 27 Cider.
Your 27 Tungsten Mine used up 27 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-65 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 25 Plastics Factory. (-25)
You gained 100 Plastics from your 25 Plastics Factory.
Your 25 Plastics Factory used up 25 Energy.
Your 25 Plastics Factory used up 100 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 2 Sun Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Sun Worship Center used up 4 Coffee.
Your 2 Sun Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 1 Moon Worship Center. (1)
Your 1 Moon Worship Center used up 2 Cider.
Your 1 Moon Worship Center used up 6 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 243 Toys from your 81 Toy Factory.
Your 81 Toy Factory used up 81 Energy.
Your 81 Toy Factory used up 81 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 23 Toy and Candy Shop. (690)
Your 23 Toy and Candy Shop used up 92 Apples.
Your 23 Toy and Candy Shop used up 92 Pies.
Your 23 Toy and Candy Shop used up 92 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 30 Mall. (1500)
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Vehicle Parts.
Your 30 Mall used up 60 Machinery Parts.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Toys.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Coffee.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Cider.
Your 30 Mall used up 60 Gems.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Apples.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Pies.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Gasoline.
Your 30 Mall used up 300 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (2867 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Democracy satisfaction cap of 1500. (-2)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-12-30 10:00:02
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 3,723,866 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-30 sat)
You lose 80 sat for having an empire of 3 nations.
You lose 60 satisfaction for having 60 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 36 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 1 Basic Factory. (-1)
Your 1 Basic Factory used up 1 Energy.
Too many Basic Copper Mine cause environmental damage! (-793 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 99 Basic Copper Mine. (-198)
You gained 495 Copper from your 99 Basic Copper Mine.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-720 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 65 Oil Combustion Facility. (-130)
You gained 780 Energy from your 65 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 65 Oil Combustion Facility used up 520 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 81 Bakery. (81)
You gained 243 Pies from your 81 Bakery.
Your 81 Bakery used up 162 Apples.
Your 81 Bakery used up 81 Energy.
Too many Mechanized Copper Mine cause environmental damage! (-1620 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine. (-110)
You gained 880 Copper from your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine.
Your 110 Mechanized Copper Mine used up 110 Energy.
You gained 185 Cider from your 37 Cider Production Facility.
Your 37 Cider Production Facility used up 185 Apples.
Your 37 Cider Production Facility used up 37 Energy.
You gained 240 Gasoline from your 30 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 30 Gasoline Refinery used up 300 Oil.
You gained 60 Energy from your 5 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 5 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 40 Gasoline.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Too many Gem Mine cause environmental damage! (-1125 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 82 Gem Mine. (-82)
You gained 246 Gems from your 82 Gem Mine.
Your 82 Gem Mine used up 82 Coffee.
Your 82 Gem Mine used up 82 Energy.
Too many Tungsten Mine cause environmental damage! (-80 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 27 Tungsten Mine. (-27)
You gained 108 Tungsten from your 27 Tungsten Mine.
Your 27 Tungsten Mine used up 27 Cider.
Your 27 Tungsten Mine used up 27 Energy.
Too many Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-65 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 25 Plastics Factory. (-25)
You gained 100 Plastics from your 25 Plastics Factory.
Your 25 Plastics Factory used up 25 Energy.
Your 25 Plastics Factory used up 100 Oil.
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your 2 Sun Worship Center. (2)
Your 2 Sun Worship Center used up 4 Coffee.
Your 2 Sun Worship Center used up 12 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 1 Moon Worship Center. (1)
Your 1 Moon Worship Center used up 2 Cider.
Your 1 Moon Worship Center used up 6 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 243 Toys from your 81 Toy Factory.
Your 81 Toy Factory used up 81 Energy.
Your 81 Toy Factory used up 81 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 23 Toy and Candy Shop. (690)
Your 23 Toy and Candy Shop used up 92 Apples.
Your 23 Toy and Candy Shop used up 92 Pies.
Your 23 Toy and Candy Shop used up 92 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 30 Mall. (1500)
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Vehicle Parts.
Your 30 Mall used up 60 Machinery Parts.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Toys.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Coffee.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Cider.
Your 30 Mall used up 60 Gems.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Apples.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Pies.
Your 30 Mall used up 150 Gasoline.
Your 30 Mall used up 300 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (2867 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
You hit the Democracy satisfaction cap of 1500. (-2)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2023-12-30 08:00:02
You transferred 1000 Oil to Marekarth for 0 bits.2023-12-30 07:35:23
You transferred 5000 Oil to Marekarth for 0 bits.2023-12-30 07:34:04
You bought 7998 Oil from Earth Pony Republic for 383,904,000 bits.2023-12-30 07:33:37