Someone get your zigger ass in here
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New User

Outer Hayven

Killed by Rebels
1,172,869,055 Bits
State Controlled


Vehicle Parts13557
Machinery Parts15568
Precision Parts5129
DNA - North Przewalskia54


Basic Factory20
Oil Combustion Facility16
Cider Production Facility3
Gasoline Refinery41
Gasoline Combustion Facility30
Advanced Factory5
Moon Worship Center9
Solar Environmental Facility5
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Toy Factory50
Toy and Candy Shop3
DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze9
Solar Collector2
Tidal Generator2
Przewalskian Plastics Factory47


Your satisfaction is below the minimum - your ponies are revolting! (You gain 163 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)2024-05-25 00:00:04
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 1,347,666 bits.
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
You lose 13 satisfaction for having 13 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 27 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 65 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 141 Toys from your 47 Toy Factory.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Energy.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Toy and Candy Shop. (90)
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Apples.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Pies.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-64 sat)
You gained 9 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 9 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-260 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-37)
You gained 185 Plastics from your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 148 Oil.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 37 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (227 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 39
Change in SE Relation: -5
Change in NLR Relation: 6
2024-05-25 00:00:02
Your satisfaction is below the minimum - your ponies are revolting! (You gain 230 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)2024-05-24 22:00:05
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 1,350,191 bits.
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
You lose 13 satisfaction for having 13 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 27 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 65 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 141 Toys from your 47 Toy Factory.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Energy.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Toy and Candy Shop. (90)
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Apples.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Pies.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-64 sat)
You gained 9 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 9 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-260 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-37)
You gained 185 Plastics from your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 148 Oil.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 37 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (227 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 39
Change in SE Relation: -5
Change in NLR Relation: 6
2024-05-24 22:00:02
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 1,350,602 bits.
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
You lose 13 satisfaction for having 13 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 27 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 66 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 141 Toys from your 47 Toy Factory.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Energy.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Toy and Candy Shop. (90)
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Apples.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Pies.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-64 sat)
You gained 9 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 9 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-260 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-37)
You gained 185 Plastics from your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 148 Oil.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 37 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (227 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 39
Change in SE Relation: -5
Change in NLR Relation: 6
2024-05-24 20:00:03
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 1,351,099 bits.
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-2)
You lose 13 satisfaction for having 13 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 27 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 66 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 141 Toys from your 47 Toy Factory.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Energy.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Toy and Candy Shop. (90)
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Apples.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Pies.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-64 sat)
You gained 9 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 9 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-260 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-37)
You gained 185 Plastics from your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 148 Oil.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 37 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (227 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 39
Change in SE Relation: -5
Change in NLR Relation: 6
2024-05-24 18:00:02
Your deal with The graden state front was accepted.
You dealt away 5,000 Oil.
You dealt away 5,000 Copper.
You dealt away 5,000 Apples.
You dealt away 1,000 Gems.
You dealt away 1,000 Tungsten.
2024-05-24 17:07:21
Your satisfaction is below the minimum - your ponies are revolting! (You gain 13 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)2024-05-24 16:00:05
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 1,351,713 bits.
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 13 satisfaction for having 13 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 27 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 66 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 141 Toys from your 47 Toy Factory.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Energy.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Toy and Candy Shop. (90)
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Apples.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Pies.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-64 sat)
You gained 9 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 9 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-260 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has worsened due to your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-37)
You gained 185 Plastics from your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 148 Oil.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 37 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (227 sat)
Your Democracy used 20 gasoline.
Your Democracy used 2 vehicle parts.
Your population's satisfaction has recovered due to your Democracy. (15)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has dwindled due to your Democracy. (-3)
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your Democracy. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 39
Change in SE Relation: -5
Change in NLR Relation: 5
2024-05-24 16:00:02
You transferred 3000 Composites to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 14:46:49
You spent 3000 Tungsten.
You spent 3000 Plastics.
You gained 3000 Composites.
You paid 1,200,000 bits.
Manufacture Composites completed successfully.
2024-05-24 14:46:41
Hide Details
Inflation has taken away 1,352,418 bits.
A loving population is hard to keep. (-24 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 13 satisfaction for having 13 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 27 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 66 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 141 Toys from your 47 Toy Factory.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Energy.
Your 47 Toy Factory used up 47 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Toy and Candy Shop. (90)
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Apples.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Pies.
Your 3 Toy and Candy Shop used up 12 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-64 sat)
You gained 9 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 9 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 9 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-260 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-37)
You gained 185 Plastics from your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 148 Oil.
Your 37 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 37 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (227 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 0
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 14:00:02
You spent 3000 Precision Parts.
You spent 6000 Composites.
You gained 1000 D2A.
You paid 80,000,000 bits.
Build D2A completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:18:47
You spent 900 Tungsten.
You spent 900 Plastics.
You gained 900 Composites.
You paid 360,000 bits.
Manufacture Composites completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:18:34
You spent 10000 Copper.
You spent 10000 Energy.
You gained 10000 Vehicle Parts.
You paid 2,000,000 bits.
Build Vehicle Parts completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:16:17
You spent 10000 Copper.
You spent 10000 Energy.
You gained 10000 Machinery Parts.
You paid 3,000,000 bits.
Build Machinery completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:16:13
You transferred 2000 Toys to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 13:14:40
You transferred 1000 Pies to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 13:14:36
This nation received 6840 Precision Parts from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:12:07
This nation received 3877 Composites from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:11:57
This nation received 10000 Cider from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:11:20
You transferred 120 DNA - North Przewalskia to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 13:10:56
You spent 50 Copper.
You gained 1 Toy and Candy Shop.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 1 Build Toy and Candy Shop. (10)
You paid 400,000 bits.
Build Toy and Candy Shop completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:10:42
This nation received 30000 Tungsten from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:09:51
This nation received 1500 Plastics from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:09:44
You spent 3000 Machinery Parts.
You spent 10000 Precision Parts.
You gained 1000 Grid Squares.
You paid 120,000,000 bits.
Build Grid Squares completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:08:48
You spent 3000 Copper.
You spent 3000 Energy.
You gained 3000 Machinery Parts.
You paid 900,000 bits.
Build Machinery completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:08:31
You spent 10000 Copper.
You spent 10000 Gems.
You gained 10000 Precision Parts.
You paid 4,000,000 bits.
Manufacture Precision Parts completed successfully.
2024-05-24 13:08:27
Your deal with Ankha was accepted.
You dealt away 5,000 Copper.
You dealt away 3,360 Apples.
You dealt away 1,000 Machinery Parts.
You dealt away 1,680 Pies.
You dealt away 1,000 Composites.
You dealt away 1,680 Toys.
You dealt away 100,000,000 bits.
2024-05-24 13:08:10
This nation received 10000 Copper from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:07:22
This nation received 86220 Copper from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:07:18
This nation received 1,000,000,000 bits from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:05:54
This nation received 15000 Gems from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:05:46
This nation received 40000 Oil from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:05:15
This nation received 50000 Oil from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:04:31
This nation received 9671 Apples from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 13:01:30
This nation received 50000 Apples from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 12:15:11
You transferred 120000 Gems to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:13:24
You transferred 3000 Composites to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:13:17
You transferred 90000 Coffee to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:13:12
You transferred 10000 Vehicle Parts to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:13:03
You transferred 12000 Tungsten to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:59
You transferred 5000 Precision Parts to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:55
You transferred 100000 Oil to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:49
You transferred 10000 Oil to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:45
You transferred 10000 Machinery Parts to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:38
You transferred 229721 Copper to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:31
You transferred 90000 Apples to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 12:12:20
Hide Details
A loving population is hard to keep. (-21 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 17 satisfaction for having 17 disabled buildings.
As you have more than 50,000 Oil, 40 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Copper, 235 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 62 was siphoned off.
As you have more than 50,000 Gems, 45 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 150 Toys from your 50 Toy Factory.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Energy.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 2 Toy and Candy Shop. (60)
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Apples.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Pies.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-81 sat)
You gained 10 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 10 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-169 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-30)
You gained 150 Plastics from your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 120 Oil.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 30 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (179 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 2
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 12:00:02
This nation received 68043 Gems from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 11:02:15
This nation received 50000 Gems from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 11:01:50
This nation received 50000 Copper from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 11:00:31
You spent 2000 Tungsten.
You spent 2000 Plastics.
You gained 2000 Composites.
You paid 800,000 bits.
Manufacture Composites completed successfully.
2024-05-24 11:00:08
You spent 2000 Copper.
You spent 2000 Gems.
You gained 2000 Precision Parts.
You paid 800,000 bits.
Manufacture Precision Parts completed successfully.
2024-05-24 11:00:02
You spent 4000 Copper.
You spent 4000 Energy.
You gained 4000 Vehicle Parts.
You paid 800,000 bits.
Build Vehicle Parts completed successfully.
2024-05-24 10:59:53
You spent 10000 Copper.
You spent 10000 Energy.
You gained 10000 Machinery Parts.
You paid 3,000,000 bits.
Build Machinery completed successfully.
2024-05-24 10:59:43
This nation received 100000 Copper from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:58:51
This nation received 34840 Coffee from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:56:04
This nation received 17197 Apples from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:55:51
This nation received 50000 Coffee from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:54:52
This nation received 50000 Oil from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:39:49
This nation received 45882 Oil from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:39:09
This nation received 10000 Oil from Nightmares disciples.2024-05-24 10:38:43
You transferred 4607 Drugs to Nightmares disciples for 0 bits.2024-05-24 10:25:18
Hide Details
A loving population is hard to keep. (-24 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 17 satisfaction for having 17 disabled buildings.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 62 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 150 Toys from your 50 Toy Factory.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Energy.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 2 Toy and Candy Shop. (60)
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Apples.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Pies.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-81 sat)
You gained 10 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 10 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-169 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-30)
You gained 150 Plastics from your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 120 Oil.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 30 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (179 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -1
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 10:00:02
Hide Details
A loving population is hard to keep. (-24 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 17 satisfaction for having 17 disabled buildings.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 62 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 150 Toys from your 50 Toy Factory.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Energy.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 2 Toy and Candy Shop. (60)
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Apples.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Pies.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-81 sat)
You gained 10 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 10 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-169 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-30)
You gained 150 Plastics from your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 120 Oil.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 30 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (179 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -1
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 08:00:02
Hide Details
A loving population is hard to keep. (-21 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 17 satisfaction for having 17 disabled buildings.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 62 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 150 Toys from your 50 Toy Factory.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Energy.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 2 Toy and Candy Shop. (60)
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Apples.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Pies.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-81 sat)
You gained 10 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 10 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-169 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-30)
You gained 150 Plastics from your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 120 Oil.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 30 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (179 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: 2
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 06:00:02
Hide Details
A loving population is hard to keep. (-24 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 17 satisfaction for having 17 disabled buildings.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 62 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 150 Toys from your 50 Toy Factory.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Energy.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 2 Toy and Candy Shop. (60)
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Apples.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Pies.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-81 sat)
You gained 10 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 10 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-169 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-30)
You gained 150 Plastics from your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 120 Oil.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 30 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (179 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -1
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 04:00:02
Hide Details
A loving population is hard to keep. (-24 sat)
You lose 20 sat for having an empire of 2 nations.
The Solar Empire doesn't like your good relations with the New Lunar Republic. (-3)
The New Lunar Republic doesn't like your good relations with the Solar Empire. (-3)
You lose 17 satisfaction for having 17 disabled buildings.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 20 Basic Factory. (-20)
Your 20 Basic Factory used up 20 Energy.
Too many Oil Combustion Facility cause environmental damage! (-25 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 16 Oil Combustion Facility. (-32)
You gained 192 Energy from your 16 Oil Combustion Facility.
Your 16 Oil Combustion Facility used up 128 Oil.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 33 Bakery. (33)
You gained 99 Pies from your 33 Bakery.
Your 33 Bakery used up 66 Apples.
Your 33 Bakery used up 33 Energy.
You gained 15 Cider from your 3 Cider Production Facility.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Cider Production Facility used up 3 Energy.
You gained 328 Gasoline from your 41 Gasoline Refinery.
Your 41 Gasoline Refinery used up 410 Oil.
You gained 360 Energy from your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility.
Your 30 Gasoline Combustion Facility used up 240 Gasoline.
As you have more than 50,000 Gasoline, 62 was siphoned off.
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 5 Advanced Factory. (-5)
Your 5 Advanced Factory used up 10 Energy.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has improved due to your 9 Moon Worship Center. (9)
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 18 Cider.
Your 9 Moon Worship Center used up 54 Energy.
Your 5 Solar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
Your 5 Lunar Environmental Facility used up 25 Energy.
You gained 150 Toys from your 50 Toy Factory.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Energy.
Your 50 Toy Factory used up 50 Plastics.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 2 Toy and Candy Shop. (60)
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Apples.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Pies.
Your 2 Toy and Candy Shop used up 8 Toys.
Your population's satisfaction has improved due to your 3 Mall. (150)
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Vehicle Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Machinery Parts.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Toys.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Coffee.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Cider.
Your 3 Mall used up 6 Gems.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Apples.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Pies.
Your 3 Mall used up 15 Gasoline.
Your 3 Mall used up 30 Energy.
Too many DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze cause environmental damage! (-81 sat)
You gained 10 DNA - North Przewalskia from your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze.
Your 10 DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze used up 10 Apples.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Solar Collector.
You gained 2 Energy from your 2 Tidal Generator.
Too many Przewalskian Plastics Factory cause environmental damage! (-169 sat)
Your population's satisfaction has dwindled due to your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory. (-30)
You gained 150 Plastics from your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 120 Oil.
Your 30 Przewalskian Plastics Factory used up 30 Energy.
Some of the environmental damage has been repaired. (179 sat)
Your machinery of Repression used 10 gasoline.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your Repression. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your Repression. (2)
Your State Controllers drank 6 cider.
Your relationship with the New Lunar Republic has dwindled due to your State Controlled economy. (-3)
Your relationship with the Solar Empire has improved due to your State Controlled economy. (1)
Change in Satisfaction: -1
Change in SE Relation: 0
Change in NLR Relation: 0
2024-05-24 02:00:03