Someone get your zigger ass in here
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North Przewalskia

Government: Decentralization

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: GoebelBird

Alliance: Frigid Winds Front

Created: 2023-02-25 08:12:06 (Age: 59)

Friendistan remerges from the depths, aligning with a foreign power.

GDP: 5,450,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory35
Basic Factory70
Cider Production Facility33
DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze20
Gasoline Combustion Facility12
Gasoline Refinery36
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Moon Worship Center5
Oil Combustion Facility70
Plastics Factory20
Przewalskian Plastics Factory2
Solar Collector2
Solar Environmental Facility5
Sun Worship Center8
Tidal Generator2
Toy Factory27
No attackers are in this nation.
No defenders are in this nation.
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 283 -283
Cider 95 92 3
Coffee 0 86 -86
DNA - North Przewalskia 18 0 18
Energy 976 481 495
Gasoline 288 226 62
Gems 0 32 -32
Machinery Parts 0 32 -32
Oil 0 1,000 -1,000
Pies 135 82 53
Plastics 90 27 63
Toys 81 80 1
Vehicle Parts 0 85 -85
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net