Someone get your zigger ass in here
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Free Ponelestine

North Saddle Arabia

Government: Democracy

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: BtMess


Created: 2023-02-28 01:19:49 (Age: 211)

The idle hands of the denizens of Ponelestine have been put to work by the brave hussars of the Sultana of the United Pony Emirates.

GDP: 460,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory7
Basic Factory27
Basic Oil Well89
Cider Production Facility2
Gasoline Combustion Facility53
Gasoline Refinery56
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Mechanized Oil Well90
Moon Worship Center1
Oil Combustion Facility35
Oil Fracker203
Plastics Factory46
Solar Environmental Facility5
Sun Worship Center7
Toy and Candy Shop138
Toy Factory184
No attackers are in this nation.
No defenders are in this nation.
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 630 -630
Cider 10 8 2
Coffee 0 14 -14
Energy 816 810 6
Gasoline 288 284 4
Oil 3,895 824 3,071
Pies 372 372 0
Plastics 184 124 60
Toys 372 372 0
Vehicle Parts 0 2 -2