Someone get your zigger ass in here
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Friendship For All

At the advent of the >CLOP wars, the first alliance was born out of a desire to respect and protect those that value the practice of love and friendship. Nearly a decade later, the FFA has returned once more to shelter those that seek its warm, loving embrace.

We are a peaceful, proud alliance that looks after our own... But if you dare to bare your fangs at us, we will bite back!

Representative of the United Nations of Friendship: Brute Force
Underrepresentative of the UNF: scout

On Friendly Terms With:
All Alliances (Until Further Notice)

Current Enemies:
None (Yet)
BruteForce (Stasis)Nationless
LexRudera (Stasis)The Kirin Orchards (Burrozil)
mare256 (Stasis)Organic Naturally Alcoholic Mare Milk (Burrozil)
scout (Stasis)Earth Pony Republic (Saddle Arabia)
TeaJay (Stasis)PDSR (Burrozil)
Thejsha (Stasis)Galestae (Przewalskia)
Yunidraak (Stasis)Gelded Leafs (Przewalskia), Marekarth (Przewalskia)
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net