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Gelded Leafs

South Przewalskia

Government: Democracy

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: Yunidraak

Alliance: Friendship For All

Created: 2023-06-26 00:26:09 (Age: 112)

The land is cold and hard. Howling gales blow frozen mists over every mountain and through every valley.
But these ponies are strong in body and in heart; through friendship, they will thrive in desolation.

GDP: 80,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory1
Basic Factory1
Cider Production Facility2
Gasoline Refinery5
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Moon Worship Center1
Oil Combustion Facility9
Przewalskian Plastics Factory14
Solar Collector2
Solar Environmental Facility5
Sun Worship Center5
Tidal Generator2
Toy and Candy Shop7
Toy Factory10
No attackers are in this nation.
No defenders are in this nation.
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 44 -44
Cider 10 8 2
Coffee 0 4 -4
Energy 112 98 14
Gasoline 24 20 4
Oil 0 146 -146
Pies 21 20 1
Plastics 55 7 48
Toys 21 20 1
Vehicle Parts 0 2 -2
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net