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North Przewalskia

Government: Loose Despotism

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: runningpengu

Alliance: Frigid Winds Front

Created: 2023-04-25 10:30:23 (Age: 180)

a group of penguins trying to survive in this pony world. Lost and desperate, they came across this blind mare that is willing to help them in need. Snowdrop, now the leader of the newfound land, assist them and helped them make friends with other ponies. She has a pure heart that treated them as her own kind, lit up hope and optimistic to their uncharted future, even though it might just be because she can't tell the difference between ponies and penguins... And now, the penguins have sworn to be her eyes, guardians of their northern princess.

age:1 the tribe have been established
age:3 joined and gain connection with gm_construct_extended
age:4 first arcade center and bakery built, penguins thrilled with the new stuff
age:5 first advanced factory built
age:8 first plastic factory built
age:13 Snowdrop became the formal leader of the tribe
age:14 some complains that there are too many arcade center in the region and penguins getting too addicted, while their princess couldn't play any.
age:15 authorities built environmental facilities to deal with pollution.however, due to poor planing it also leads to huge economic crisis and close destruction. factory and facilities were forced to shutdown, penguins were out on strikes with the largest sat loss ever record by far. thanks to snowdrop foresight the problem were quickly dealt with minimum losses, as the tribe tries to recover.
age:17 the tribe have recovered and now in steady state. As for the guilty authority, even though they are responsible for the cause, there effort still fixed the majority environmental problem. Therefore, they are only sentenced to be whipped by the princess herself.
age:18 the punishment had been executed in dark rooms without notification. Witnesses demands to know what happened inside as they describes, boxes of authority quoted "princess's whipped pie" have been sold throughout the tribe as the price went skyrocketing, boosting the local GDP to nearly double from before. Some penguins review it as "the taste from heaven" and craves for more.
age:20 the first army defense force established
age:21 new long term trading contract signed, penguins scramble to fulfill the agreement
age:22 the first super huge iron tanker of the S.H.I.T. class battleship is built out of hard work and pride from the penguins. Named as Snowfall, this ship is designed to support allies and acquire navel supremacy.
age:22 new toys are now in production, most of them are all offered to Snowdrop, which leads to short term gift bans as she explain "I don't even have a spot to sleep anymore since my room is all stuffed with toys. Give it to others in need instead~"
age:26 war looms between major alliances. as the penguins went into panic, their leader declared neutrality act to calm them down.
age: 29 the dreadful war had came to an end. It had ended so quick and swift that the penguins only heard a few explosions from far away, now they hope the global trade would recover from the impact.
age: 32 rumors about penguin's DNA had been extract by the authorities , some are now seeking for the truth for this bizarre accusation.
age: 34 local pie store have made a new recipe for a new flavored pie, snowpie. Those who tasted it says it's just snow stuffed into pies and nothing much about it. After the baker throwed snowpies at the critic's face, a massive snowpie fight occured which escalate quickly across the country. Now it has become a new yearly festival in the tribe.
age: 42 a looming crises emerge as the authorities now has to consider a difficult decision that will shatter the core on this nation
age: 43 the vote has ended, the majority of the coffee supporters had won, and the cider supporter are outraged by the result. Causing another massive snowpie fight occured in the tribe.
age: 50 The penguins celebrate the 50th anniversary of the tribe and send out their best regards and gratitude to their friends, either still active or had left. To give out love and appreciation to their leader, Snowdrop, the penguins decided to build a magnificent statue of Snowdrop with the help from their friends. It is 20 meters high, made with 20000 coppers and filled with beautiful gems for decoration. Snowdrop herself after hearing about the statue said she felt very embarrassed but give out her thanks to everyone and wishes to maybe see it someday.
age: 52 large statue of a mighty stallion is placed just beside the Snowdrop statue, a magnificent gift from one of the penguin's closest friends, Hatch. As the penguins gives out their greatest gratitude to their friend, they had to remove a small part of the statue to make it quote, "appropriate for Snowdrop "
age: 56 rumors about authorities planing for an invasions of other nation worries the public.
age: 60 the authorities are now mass extracting penguin's DNA for unknown reason which made the penguins outrage, as Snowdrop tries to calm both parties down.
age: 62 the public is furious with the recent failed invasion that they did't even know about, and the support for the authorities have reach new lows. Tension rises among this north nation.
age: 76 the authorities decides to hold Snowdrop as captive, using her influence to try manipulating the penguins. This leads to massive uprising as the penguins call to arms to save their princess from restrain. The final effort from Snowdrop to stabilize both parties had failed as penguinland is now in civil war.
age: 77 Uncertain but alarming news of Snowdrop being in bad conditions made the Royal Princess Guard change sides and joined the rebels, as more civilians also joined the fight against the authorities.
age: 100 the civil war finally ended as the rebels destroyed the authority's last defense and ran into exile. Freed from the chains, the princess declared to be the sole ruler from now on, changing the government type to absolute monarchy. To celebrate their 100th anniversary of the country, a new statue representing the will of the penguins is built, as the nation mourn the loss of all the lost souls to the recent conflict.
age: 108 recovering from the civil war, Snowdrop declared that it will longer be consider as a tribe but rather than a new empire. Now known as "The penguinland ", Snowdrop rallies up the advisers to seek the future pathway of the nation.
age: 109 after a series argument, threats, and suppression, it has finally been decided that radical decision must been made for the future of the nation
age :110 Snowdrop declared that everything told by the news will be "reviewed" by them first to make sure all the penguins learned what's "really" happening .
age: 112 a new nation is claimed and penguins started the migration into the new found land, some questioned the motives for this action.
age: 113 left gm_construct_extended and joined Frigid Winds Front alliance, while most celebrate for new allies some worries this is a step to a more unstable future.
age: 115 conflict broke out as our alliance leader declared war at the leader of 2nd Trade Bloc, Snowdrop promised that this war will be small and limited, and will not effected the penguins.
age: 116 a member of the alliance switched sides and joined the war, Snowdrop is not pleased and ordered a task force to interfere the war to counter their actions.
age: 131

GDP: 1,000,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory35
Basic Factory25
Cider Production Facility45
Coffee Shop50
DNA Extraction Facility - N. Prze10
Gasoline Combustion Facility49
Gasoline Refinery52
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Moon Worship Center4
Oil Combustion Facility52
Plastics Factory9
Przewalskian Plastics Factory31
Solar Collector2
Solar Environmental Facility5
Tidal Generator2
Toy and Candy Shop7
Toy Factory63
Video Arcade6
No attackers are in this nation.


Royal Princess Guard
Owned by penguinland (Przewalskia)
Royal Princess Guard
Chem-Light Battery
Size: 1
Training: 20
Owned by penguinland (Przewalskia)
Super Huge Iron Tanker class Snowfall
Waterline Eraser
Size: 1
Training: 20
empire new task forces
Owned by penguinland (Przewalskia)
empire new task forces
Size: 5
Training: 20
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 221 -221
Cider 115 113 2
Coffee 0 69 -69
DNA - North Przewalskia 10 0 10
Energy 1,096 329 767
Gasoline 336 312 24
Oil 0 996 -996
Pies 102 84 18
Plastics 191 63 128
Toys 189 28 161
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 4,555 3,745 810
Cider 600 575 25
Coffee 1,645 951 694
Copper 2,587 0 2,587
DNA - Central Burrozil 1 0 1
DNA - North Burrozil 5 0 5
DNA - North Przewalskia 10 0 10
DNA - South Burrozil 1 0 1
DNA - South Saddle Arabia 1 0 1
DNA - South Zebrica 11 0 11
Drugs 30 0 30
Energy 5,416 4,581 835
Gasoline 2,280 2,066 214
Gems 387 4 383
Machinery Parts 0 13 -13
Oil 6,085 5,210 875
Pies 2,151 2,091 60
Plastics 759 607 152
Toys 1,821 1,682 139
Tungsten 280 0 280
Vehicle Parts 0 14 -14