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Hive Outpost Azurite

Central Saddle Arabia

Government: Repression

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: Hachi

Alliance: Safe Haven

Created: 2024-05-07 09:11:06 (Age: 81)

This outpost, formerly known as the city New Maresantos, is now addressed as Hive Outpost Azurite in internal Hive affairs. Named for the rich blue sands that make up the desert here that sit against an even deeper blue sea, this land now directs its resources to the good of the greater Hive. Most of its leadership is now indisposed and replaced with drones.

Currently the overseeing of this outpost has been entrusted to the care of one certain elite drone.

GDP: 1,110,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory5
Basic Factory21
Basic Oil Well42
Cider Production Facility8
Coffee Shop1
DNA Extraction Facility - C. SA10
Gasoline Combustion Facility24
Gasoline Refinery28
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Mechanized Oil Well60
Moon Worship Center9
Oil Combustion Facility24
Oil Fracker70
Plastics Factory7
Solar Environmental Facility5
Toy and Candy Shop14
Toy Factory25
Video Arcade27
No attackers are in this nation.
No defenders are in this nation.
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 187 -187
Cider 40 39 1
Coffee 0 18 -18
DNA - Central Saddle Arabia 10 0 10
Energy 576 573 3
Gasoline 224 217 7
Gems 0 6 -6
Machinery Parts 0 6 -6
Oil 2,090 500 1,590
Pies 99 99 0
Plastics 28 25 3
Toys 75 71 4
Vehicle Parts 0 15 -15
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 1,365 1,202 163
Cider 470 424 46
Coffee 450 359 91
DNA - Central Saddle Arabia 10 0 10
DNA - North Burrozil 23 0 23
DNA - South Saddle Arabia 10 0 10
Drugs 10 0 10
Energy 2,220 1,955 265
Gasoline 1,016 823 193
Gems 0 54 -54
Machinery Parts 0 54 -54
Oil 5,097 2,250 2,847
Pies 555 509 46
Plastics 148 114 34
Toys 342 319 23
Vehicle Parts 0 137 -137