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Safe Haven

Rise up, changelings! We no longer have to hide ourselves amongst those who would harm us. We now have our Safe Haven.

Accepting changeling or changeling-sympathetic nations to our cause. If you would like rebrand yourself and join but lack the bits for a nation rename, contact Queen Umbra and she will be happy to assist.

NAPs: Frigid Winds Front, Cozy Campers
Alphonse de V (Stasis)Amber Burrows (Zebrica)
Hachi (Stasis)Hive Outpost Azurite (Saddle Arabia)
kshman (Stasis)Pegasus sweatshop (Przewalskia)
RyoniaCoruscare (Stasis)The Luna Fragments (Burrozil)
SamuiHouse Of Glue (Saddle Arabia), Sad Arabia (Saddle Arabia), Sora (Burrozil)
TyrannisUmbra (Stasis)Amethyst Gearworks (Przewalskia)
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
GDP 15,150,000
Apples 2,232 2,056 176
Cider 40 32 8
Coffee 795 468 327
DNA - Central Burrozil 1 0 1
DNA - South Saddle Arabia 1 0 1
Drugs 10 0 10
Energy 2,652 2,635 17
Gasoline 1,688 1,174 514
Machinery Parts 0 9 -9
Oil 6,401 3,162 3,239
Pies 1,323 1,288 35
Plastics 428 381 47
Toys 1,143 1,132 11