Someone get your zigger ass in here
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Twilight Makes Me Hard

North Zebrica

Government: Democracy

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: Number Eight

Alliance: Maresaw Pact

Created: 2023-02-27 08:40:42 (Age: 244)

A former TNN colony known as PDSR. Fate saw it change hands until it returned to a fellow ex-TNN, was shown the light by the noble horsefuckers of Luna and Sunset Makes Me Hard. They now pledge allegiance to the glorious purplebutt.
THE biggest copper producer clopwide. In memoriam of our greatest rival, The Kingdom of Albania.
A war well fought.

GDP: 1,090,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory32
Basic Copper Mine208
Basic Factory40
Cider Production Facility12
Coffee Shop22
Gasoline Combustion Facility46
Gasoline Refinery49
Gem Mine41
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Mechanized Copper Mine125
Moon Worship Center1
Oil Combustion Facility18
Plastics Factory67
Solar Environmental Facility5
Sun Worship Center2
Toy and Candy Shop106
Toy Factory142
Tungsten Mine50
No attackers are in this nation.
No defenders are in this nation.
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 782 -782
Cider 60 58 2
Coffee 0 111 -111
Copper 2,040 0 2,040
Energy 768 757 11
Gasoline 392 388 4
Gems 123 0 123
Oil 0 898 -898
Pies 447 446 1
Plastics 264 142 122
Toys 426 424 2
Tungsten 200 0 200
Vehicle Parts 0 2 -2
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net