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Nymphali Hive

South Saddle Arabia

Government: Democracy

Economy: State Controlled

Leader: TyrannisUmbra

Alliance: Safe Haven

Created: 2024-04-17 17:45:39 (Age: 101)

The hive of Queen Umbra. The changelings of the Nymphali Hive are known for their purple coloring, and for their distinctive wings, which resemble those of a butterfly.
The Queen rules the hive with as much love and benevolence as she can give her children, but will stop at nothing to protect them from outsiders.
It is her dream to one day prove that changelings can be the equal of the ponies who so often threaten their way of life.

Having been threatened once, the hive is ready to show the world its true face.

GDP: 7,130,000 bits every 2 hours
Advanced Factory31
Basic Factory46
Basic Oil Well71
Cider Production Facility29
Coffee Shop6
DNA Extraction Facility - S. SA10
Gasoline Combustion Facility61
Gasoline Refinery110
Lunar Environmental Facility5
Mechanized Oil Well74
Moon Worship Center4
Oil Combustion Facility43
Oil Fracker103
Plastics Factory23
Solar Environmental Facility5
Sun Worship Center2
Toy and Candy Shop44
Toy Factory89
Video Arcade10
No attackers are in this nation.


Grand Conqueror Mandible And Agent Camouflage
Owned by Nymphali Hive (Saddle Arabia)
Agent Camouflage
Prop Wash
Scrounged Armor
Size: 1
Training: 20
Grand Conqueror Mandible
Prop Wash
Scrounged Armor
Size: 1
Training: 20
Nation Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 0 523 -523
Cider 145 130 15
Coffee 0 124 -124
DNA - South Saddle Arabia 10 0 10
Energy 1,020 959 61
Gasoline 672 540 132
Gems 0 48 -48
Machinery Parts 0 48 -48
Oil 3,007 1,212 1,795
Pies 240 218 22
Plastics 92 75 17
Toys 225 208 17
Vehicle Parts 0 122 -122
Alliance Resources
Resource Generated Used Net
Apples 1,365 1,202 163
Cider 470 424 46
Coffee 450 359 91
DNA - Central Saddle Arabia 10 0 10
DNA - North Burrozil 23 0 23
DNA - South Saddle Arabia 10 0 10
Drugs 10 0 10
Energy 2,220 1,955 265
Gasoline 1,016 823 193
Gems 0 54 -54
Machinery Parts 0 54 -54
Oil 5,097 2,250 2,847
Pies 555 509 46
Plastics 148 114 34
Toys 342 319 23
Vehicle Parts 0 137 -137